Cloud Account

Reset Your Password

If you forgot your password you can reset it here: Reset DW Cloud Password and then click "Log In" in the top right corner.

Now enter the email address you use for your login and click OK/Next. Now at the password prompt click "forgot password" to get a password reset email. Follow the instructions in the email.

Note to REMC1 staff: The old direct password reset link no longer works.

Creating an Account

DW Spectrum Client

If your Mac has an Intel processor use the non-ARM client download

Logging Into DW Spectrum

Viewing Cameras and Creating Layouts

A layout of 10 or more cameras will display at a reduced frame rate.  This means they will appear to stutter or jump a bit.  The recordings will not appear this way since they are recorded at a higher frame rate.

Viewing Recorded Video

Per district administration, not all users may have access to recorded video.

Download Recorded Video